Everything you need to know about Ma Prime Renov 

MaPrimeRenov technician

Since 2020, following the abolition of the CITE (Crédit d'Impôt pour la Transition Énergétiques), the French government has introduced the MaPrimeRenov' grant. This is awarded to households carrying out insulation work in their main home to make it more energy-efficient. The grant was means-tested. It has since been replaced by the MaPrimeRenov' energy renovation grant.

So let's get together and talk about MaPrimeRénov' in more detail. You'll find all the information you need in this article.

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Ma prime Renov' What is it?

First of all, what is MaPrimeRenov'? Like the CITE, MaPrimeRenov' is a government subsidy that encourages energy renovation work in private homes. The more energy-efficient your home, the more financial support your project will receive. The work financed can involve insulation, achange of heating or ventilation system, or simply an overall renovation.

If you would like to know more about the type of work eligible for MaPrimeRénov', you can visit the website service-public.frin the tab "What work and/or capital expenditure is eligible?. You'll be shown a long list of work covered by this aid.

MaPrimeRenov' has been distributed to households since January 1, 2020, and a good number of French people are eligible, whether you're an owner-occupier, landlord or co-owner. 

How much does MaPrimeRenov' provide?

The MaPrimeRénov' scheme will undergo changes from May 15, 2024, with significant adjustments influencing the conditions and amount of aid according to income profiles and types of work undertaken. These changes include the removal of the requirement for an energy performance diagnosis (DPE) for simple work courses until December 31, 2024, as well as the addition of new terms and conditions for certain types of work such as insulation or ventilation.

Income ceilings for eligibility vary according to location (Île-de-France or outside Île-de-France) and household composition, taking into account reference tax income for the previous year.

In addition, the supported pathway, which concerns more comprehensive and ambitious renovations, remains unchanged and continues to offer grants covering up to 90% of expenditure for very low-income households, with a ceiling of up to €70,000 under certain conditions.

For those planning renovation work, we recommend consulting the latest details on the official ANAH website or on the France Rénov' portal, where the latest information on available grants and eligibility conditions is regularly updated.

To help you see things more clearly, there's a simulation that calculates the aid you're entitled to. Visit the Simul'aides website.

Ma Prime Renov': What are the conditions?

As described above, both homeowners and condominium associations are entitled to this service. However, you will need to meet certain conditions to gain access.

First of all: 

  • Your home must have been built more than fifteen years ago. If you want to change your oil-fired boiler, this requirement is reduced to two years.
  • Your quotations must have been signed after October 1ᵉʳ, 2020. 

As mentioned above, only certain types of work are eligible: 

  • Improved insulation (walls, windows, floors, attics)
  • Replacing the heating system
  • Installation or replacement of a controlled mechanical ventilation system 
  • Carrying out an energy audit

(See more detailed information on the service-public.fr)

Bear in mind that the work must be carried out by a company with the RGE label (Reconnu Garant de l'Environnement), which is committed to the environment. To find a professional, you can use a directory such as that of theAgence nationale de l'habitat.

Conditions specific to each type of owner are specified below.


For landlords, conditions include :

  • Commit to renting the renovated property as a primary residence for a minimum of six years.
  • The property must also have been completed more than 15 years ago.
  • The work must be carried out by RGE-certified companies.
  • As for owner-occupiers, an energy audit is required for comprehensive renovation projects.
  • Assistance covers a variable proportion of costs, up to 90% for very low-income households.


Homeowners must meet several criteria to be eligible for MaPrimeRénov' :

  • The property must be occupied for at least 8 months of the year as a principal residence.
  • It must have been completed more than 15 years ago.
  • The work must be carried out by an RGE (Reconnu Garant de l'Environnement) certified professional.
  • An energy audit is required for comprehensive renovation projects.
  • Assistance from Mon Accompagnateur Rénov' is compulsory for comprehensive renovations, and the cost can be subsidized up to 100% depending on household resources.


For condominiums, the specific requirements are :

  • The condominium must include at least 75% of principal residences if it has more than 20 lots (65% for condominiums with 20 lots or less).
  • The building must have been built at least 15 years ago and be registered in the national condominium register.
  • The work carried out must result in significant energy savings (at least 35%).
  • The work must also be carried out by RGE professionals and supported by a project management assistance operator, with a subsidy for this service of up to 50% of the cost, capped at €1,000 excluding VAT for small condominiums.

These conditions focus on improving energy efficiency and encourage the use of qualified professionals, while adapting aid according to household resources and the type of work undertaken. For more details, or to apply, visit the official MaPrimeRénov' website, where you'll also find guides and assistance simulators.

Ma Prime Renov Solar Panel

How do I apply?

It's very simple to apply: 

  • Create your account on MaPrimeRenov' website
  • Check with theAnah (Agence nationale de l'habitat) for subsidies.
  • Carry out the work and collect your invoice 
  • Request payment of your premium 

After this final step, all that's left to do is receive the transfer and pay the company that carried out your work.

To create your account, you will be asked for information concerning your identity: 

  • Civilities and dates of birth of members of your household 
  • Your latest income tax notice 
  • Your e-mail address

For the application itself, you will be asked to provide the following information: 

  • Previous grants and their amounts
  • Estimates for the work you plan to carry out

If you are a condominium owner, you will be asked to provide the following additional documents:

  • Your initial share certificate ;
  • Minutes of the General Meeting of co-owners ;
  • The number of units in your condominium.

Important information to help you prepare your application: all documents to be sent must be scanned. Please note that no paper documents will be requested.

What additional assistance is available?

In addition to MaPrimeRénov', there are a number of other energy renovation grants available in France:

  • Certificats d'Économie d'Énergie (CEE): These certificates offer financial assistance for energy renovation work, such as the installation of more efficient heating systems or thermal insulation. They are accessible to all households, independently of MaPrimeRénov', and are valued by energy suppliers.


  • Eco-prêt à taux zéro: An interest-free loan of up to 30,000 euros to finance energy renovation work. This loan can be combined with MaPrimeRénov' to finance more extensive work.


  • Reduced VAT: A reduced VAT rate of 5.5% applies to energy performance improvement work, which includes most of the work eligible for MaPrimeRénov'.


  • Local aid: Many regions, départements and municipalities offer grants or loans on favorable terms to supplement national aid.


  • Habiter Mieux Sérénité" aid from Anah: For households on modest incomes, this aid is designed to finance up to 50% of energy renovation work, with a higher ceiling than that of MaPrimeRénov' for the most efficient work.


These grants are designed to be cumulative, as long as they do not exceed 100% of the cost of the work. So it's crucial to plan your renovation project carefully to maximize the aid available and ensure that the work is eligible for several schemes.

Now you know everything you need to know about the new government aid to support the ecological transition! 

Picture of Ilona Soulage
Ilona Soulage

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