Chief Financial Officer

Beev helps SMEs switch to a 100% electric fleet

Going electric is a challenge for CFOs of SMEs. Beev helps you reduce your carbon footprint without impacting your business. Our experts save you time by helping you make the transition to green mobility from A to Z.
From specifications to vehicle selection, right through to drafting your car policy.

Beev also enables you to install charging stations on your premises or at your employees' homes.

Several hundred SMEs have gone electric with Beev

Tax benefits, today's technology and continued strong demand will maintain the residual value of electric vehicles on the used market.

Electrify your fleet with Beev as CFO


Optimizing the TCO of an electric motor compared with a gasoline engine in most segments (C1, D1 and D2).

A service designed to save time for CFOs of SMEs

Ready to go green?

Our selection of electric vehicles for SME CFOs

The TCO of an electric vehicle is €651, compared with €865 for a diesel vehicle and €901 for a petrol vehicle.

Equip yourself with charging stations

Beev Resources for electrifying your fleet

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