Ecological bonus 2024: changes to come

Ecological bonus 2024

"We will be the first European country to reform the criteria for awarding the ecological bonus to take better account of the vehicle's carbon footprint," announced Emmanuel Macron announced when presenting his "Green Industry" plan plan on May 11.

France is taking a step forward to improve its commitment to the environment by announcing major changes to the criteria for awarding the ecological bonus. As part of the green industry" plan presented by President Emmanuel Macron on May 11, France is set to become the first European country to reform these criteria, placing greater emphasis on the carbon footprint of vehicles.

From 2024, the ecological bonus will be reserved for electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles, and will be conditional on the vehicle's carbon footprint. This major change is designed to favor the most virtuous vehicles, and reduce the environmental impact of the automobile.

In this article, you'll discover the changes to the ecological bonus coming in 2024.

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What is the ecological bonus?

The ecological bonus provides financial support to encourage the purchase of new or used vehicles with a reduced carbon footprint. It is granted on the basis of various criteria, including the vehicle's ecological score and the applicant's tax income.

Also read - Ecological bonus 2024: everything you need to know

The main changes to the ecological bonus in 2024

The year 2024 promises to be decisive in France's ongoing efforts to promote more environmentally-friendly mobility choices. Among the flagship measures to be implemented are new changes to the ecological bonus.

Let's discover together the main changes that will mark the landscape of the green bonus in 2024 and their importance in the fight against climate change.

Minimum environmental score: what are the new criteria?

The ecological bonus was previously granted to passenger vehicles weighing less than 2.4 tonnes, passenger transport vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tonnes and electric trucks weighing less than 3.5 tonnes.

As of October 10, 2023, the mass criterion is eliminated in favor of a more comprehensive environmental assessment. According to the French Ministry of the Economy, this new approach examines the entire environmental impact of a vehicle, from its manufacturing phase to its use on the road.

The criteria to be met are numerous and defined by theorder of September 19, 2023. The legislation now includes the carbon footprint of the vehicle's metals and battery The legislation now includes the carbon footprint of the vehicle's metals and battery, the grey energy required for the various transformation phases, the energy consumption associated with transport to the assembly site, etc.

A new electric vehicle must achieve a minimum environmental score, based on various factors:

  • Materials used: Assessing the impact of steel, aluminum and other metals in manufacturing.
  • CO2 emissions: emissions linked to the energy used for transformation, vehicle assembly and battery production are taken into account.
  • Vehicle routing: Analysis of the means of transport used to deliver the vehicle in France.
  • Additional factors: Inclusion of recycled and bio-based materials, as well as battery reparability.
Type of vehicle Low reference value (kg-eq CO2) High reference value (kg-eq CO2) Environmental score
Vehicles with 5 or more seats
12 000
21 000
0 (non éligible) si ECversion >= 21 000, 80 si ECversion <= 12 000, 80 x ((21 000 - ECversion) / (21 000 - 12 000)) si 12 000 <= ECversion < 21 000
Other vehicles
17 000
0 (non éligible) si ECversion >= 17 000, 80 si ECversion <= 6 000, 80 x ((17 000 - ECversion) / (17 000 - 6 000)) si 6 000 <= ECversion < 17 000

where :

  • ECversion is the carbon footprint of the version considered, over the stages of a vehicle's life cycle prior to registration.

What are the ecological bonus amounts in 2024?

When buying an electric car, sits total purchase price must not exceed €47,000 inc.including options, after potential trade discounts and before deduction of public subsidies.

Its final assembly must be carried out in a European Union country where less than 110g of CO2 are emitted to produce 1 kWh of electricity.

4,000 instead of €5,000 for wealthier individuals

The French government has confirmed a reduction in the amount of the ecological bonus for part of the French population, in particular households in the five highest income deciles. This reduction translates into a decrease in the aid allocated to the purchase of new electric cars, from €5,000 to €4,000 for these taxpayers.

For less well-off households, on the other hand, the amount of assistance remains unchanged, with a bonus maintained at €7,000. It should be noted that the limit of reference tax income per unit, used as a criterion of distinction, has been changed from €14,089 to €15,400.

For companies and local authorities

The decree completely abolishes the ecological bonus for the acquisition of new private cars by legal entities, which represents an unpleasant surprise for companies. In addition, all bonuses for electric vans are reduced by €1,000, for both private individuals and corporate bodies.

These new rules will come into force the day after publication of the decree, i.e. February 14. However, for orders placed before this date, the more favorable rules in force until February 13 will apply if the vehicle is delivered before May 15, 2024.

What ecological bonus for used electric cars in 2024?

The government has decided to abolish the ecological bonus for used cars and vans. This measure marks a significant change in the financial incentives linked to the purchase of environmentally-friendly vehicles on the second-hand market.

At the same time, an increase of 1,000 euros in the amount of aid for leasing electric cars to private individuals on the second-hand market has been announced. This measure is designed to further encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and support the transition to more sustainable mobility.

What kind of bonus for commercial vehicles in 2024?

Electric light commercial vehicles are subject to the same reductions as passenger cars. While their bonus remains capped at 40% of the purchase price, the maximum amount of aid is reduced by €1,000 for individuals in income deciles 6 to 10, and by €5,000 and €3,000 respectively for professionals.

On the other hand, individuals on lower incomes continue to benefit from the increased bonus of €8,000.

Licence-free cars: an ecological bonus to encourage purchases

There are no noteworthy changes for motorized quadricycles, or two- and three-wheel electric vehicles.

Vehicles with a power rating of less than 2 or 3 kW (depending on approval date) benefit from a subsidy equivalent to 20% of their price, up to €100. Vehicles with a power rating of over 2 or 3 kW (depending on approval date) are eligible for a bonus of €250 per kWh, up to a maximum of 27% of their price, to a maximum of €900. In the French Overseas Departments and Regions (DROM), an additional bonus of €1,000 is always added to any ecological bonus.

Comparative table of the 2023 vs. 2024 ecological bonus

Ceiling 2023 Ceiling 2024
New electric or hydrogen car - RFR> €15,400 5 000 € 4 000 €
New electric or hydrogen car - RFR≤ €15,400 7 000 € 7 000 €
New electric or hydrogen car - legal entity 3 000 € -
Used electric or hydrogen cars 1 000 € -
New electric or hydrogen-powered light commercial vehicle -RFR > €15,400 6 000 € 5 000 €
New electric or hydrogen-powered light commercial vehicle -RFR ≤ €15,400 8 000 € 8 000 €
New electric or hydrogen-powered light commercial vehicle - legal entity 4 000 € 3 000 €
Used electric or hydrogen-powered light commercial vehicles 1 000 € -
New 2- or 3-wheel vehicle or electric quadricycle ≤ 3 kW 100€ 100€
New 2- or 3-wheel vehicle or electric quadricycle ≥ 3 kW 900€ 900€

Ecological bonus: help for transformation

Electrical retrofitting is a promising solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector. By encouraging this operation, the French government is contributing to energy transition and environmental protection.

The conversion to "electrical retrofit" must be carried out by an approved professional, in compliance with the requirements stipulated in thedecree of March 13, 2020 concerning the conditions for converting combustion-powered vehicles to electric power.

The beneficiary must have owned the subsidized vehicle for at least one year prior to submitting the application. The vehicle must be registered in France before and after the conversion operation.

Who is eligible for this assistance?

  • Individuals with their main residence in the Paris Region.
  • Companies headquartered in the Paris Region, with 50 or fewer employees.
  • Ile-de-France municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants.

How can I benefit from the ecological bonus in 2024?

The procedure for benefiting from the ecological bonus remains unchanged. The dealer deducts the bonus directly from the purchase price of the new vehicle. In this situation, the dealer advances the amount of the bonus by deducting it from the vehicle's sale price (incl. VAT), and is reimbursed at a later date.

You can also submit your application for the ecological bonus to theAgence de services et de paiement (ASP) after the purchase of your vehicle. This request must be made no later than six months after the vehicle's invoice date, or the date of the first lease payment in the case of a long-term lease (LLD) or a lease with purchase option (LOA).

Which new vehicles will be eligible for the ecological bonus in 2024?

The ecological bonus is reserved exclusively for 100% electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles. These vehicles must be registered in France, and purchased or leased under a contract lasting at least two years.

What's more, they can't be sold or leased for at least 6,000 km in the year following purchase.

See : List of vehicles eligible for the bonus on December 15


The changes announced for France's ecological bonus in 2024 mark a major step forward in the promotion of environmentally-friendly vehicles. With an emphasis on carbon footprint, the country is reforming the criteria for awarding the bonus, reserving it for electric and hydrogen vehicles.

These adjustments, part of Emmanuel Macron's "Green Industry" plan, aim to encourage more sustainable mobility choices, while maintaining attractive financial incentives. The expanded approach now assesses the overall environmental impact of vehicles, reflecting France's commitment to an ecological transition in the automotive sector.

Don't hesitate to contact Beev, automotive expert, for further information.

Picture of Imane BENSALAH

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