Aid for the installation of charging stations in 2024

Company charging station

What support is available for installing charging stations for electric cars?

According to a survey conducted by Enedis, by October 2022, 88% of people living in single-family homes will be recharging at home, and 49% of people living in apartment buildings will be using charging stations.

In addition to grants for the purchase of an electric car, you can also benefit from grants for the installation of electric car charging stations.

How much could you save thanks to these grants? How do you get them? These are the questions we'll be answering in this article.

Read also: Subsidies for the purchase of an electric car in 2024.

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Tax credit for the installation of a home charging station

The " Crédit d'impôt pour la transition énergétique" ( tax credit for energy transition) is an amount deducted from your taxes, allowing you to reduce your tax bill by installing a charging station for your individual home. It has been set up, with the help of MaPrimeRenov', to replace the CITE (Crédit d'Impôt à la transition écologique).

The credit will be granted for just one charging system per tax household. In this case, you can benefit from a maximum tax credit of €500, with one system installed in your main residence and another in your second home.

It is possible for a single, divorced or widowed person to benefit from the tax credit for the installation of two charging systems, one in their main residence and another in a second home.

Similarly, married or civil union couples subject to joint taxation can benefit from the tax credit for two charging systems in their principal residence and two in their secondary residence, i.e. a total tax credit of up to €1,200 for the installation of two charging systems per dwelling. It should be noted, however, that this measure is subject to certain conditions, and that supporting documents must be provided in order to benefit from this tax credit.

It's important to note that the tax authorities can take back the tax credit granted to you if you are reimbursed for the installation of the charging station within five years of its installation. However, the tax credit will not be refunded if the reimbursement is the result of a claim.

Tax credit: connected bollards, smart bollards, or even controlled bollards

The amount of the tax credit for the installation of an electric vehicle charging station is :

  • 500 per charging system for a connected terminal
  • 300 € per charging system for a non-connected terminal, with or without load shedding

The difference in price between the two types of terminal is due to the additional features offered by connected terminals.

To qualify for the tax credit, the following conditions must be met:

  • Expenditure must be incurred between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2025.
  • The charging station must be installed on land or a building owned, leased or occupied free of charge by the taxpayer.
  • The charging station must be used to charge an electric vehicle.

The tax credit is deducted from the income tax for the year in which the expenses were incurred. If the tax credit exceeds the tax due, the excess can be carried forward for up to five years.

To claim the tax credit, the taxpayer must complete form 2042-RICI and attach it to his or her tax return.

Good to know: keep your receipts, as the tax authorities may ask for them (invoice from the company that supplied the materials/equipment and carried out the work).

What's more, as a private individual, the installation of a charging station may entitle you to a reduced VAT rate of 5.5%. To qualify, the charging station must comply with standard NF C 15-100. This standard details the technical and safety standards for low-voltage electrical installations.

Indeed, according to the decree issued on January 12, 2017, theinstallation of a charging station with a power rating equal to or greater than 3.7 kW requires the intervention of a qualified electrician holding the IRVE mention. This certification attests that the electrician has the skills and experience required to install charging stations for electric vehicles.

The IRVE(Infrastructure de Recharge de Véhicule Électrique) qualification is awarded by AFNOR or Qualifelec on the basis of three levels of training:

  • Level 1: suitable for terminals with a maximum power of 22 kW, without communication or supervision functions.
  • Level 2: for terminals with a maximum power of 22 kW, equipped with configurations for communicating Wallboxes and station supervision.
  • Level 3: designed for bollards with a power rating of over 22 kW, including rapid bollards.

Installation assistance for individuals in condominiums: ADVENIR

The €500 tax credit is now available for condominiums. However, you can also benefit from the ADVENIR bonus.

The ADVENIR program finances the supply and installation of charging points for electric vehicles.

Managed by AVERE, the ADVENIR program is financed by CEE(Certificats d'Économie d'Énergie) to help reduce the cost of the work required to install an electric car charging station.

Whilethe ADVENIR program was due toend on December 10, 2021, it has been extended until the end of 2025. With this aid now extended, ADVENIR aims to deploy almost 65,000 new recharging points with a budget of 200 million euros. 

How much is the ADVENIR bonus for condominiums?

Good to know: People wishing to install a charging point for their own home are not eligible for this bonus. The ADVENIR program does not finance the installation of charging points for single-family homes.

If the applicant is a private individual, he or she can benefit from subsidies that vary according to the type of recharging solution envisaged.
Here is a summary table for private individuals living in condominiums:

Group residential Total rate of aid Ceiling per recharging point (excl. VAT)
Individual use
50 %
960 €
Collective use
50 %
1 660 €
Collective infrastructure
50 %
50% of infrastructure costs 3,000 € for outdoor roadwork

ADVENIR aid for professionals to install charging stations

Advenir also offers incentives for the installation of charging stations for businesses and public bodies. Here are the various ceilings:

Companies and public bodies Total rate of aid Ceiling per recharging point (excl. VAT)
Private parking for truck fleets
50 %
960 € à 2 200 €
Private parking lot open to the public
30 %
1 000 € à 2 700 €
Private parking lots open to the public (hotels, restaurants, shops)
30 %
1 000 € à 1 300 €
Short-term rental vehicles for employees and corporate fleets
20 %
600 €

IMPORTANT: ADVENIR premiums for private parking lots open to the public and for intermediate target groups (hotels, restaurants, shops) will end on August 1, 2023.

Don't forget to contact our charging station experts to take advantage of these ADVENIR incentives before they are discontinued.

Then, for local authorities wishing to install bollards on roads,here are the rates:

Roads Total rate of aid Ceiling per recharging point (excl. VAT)
30 %
1 000 € à 9 000 €
Two-wheelers (scooters, motorcycles, etc.) on the road
30 %
1 000 €

A word of clarification: for two-wheeled vehicles, the amounts vary not only according to the charging power, but also according to the type of socket (type 2 greater than or equal to 3.7 kW and type E less than 3.7 kW). For more information, please consult the Advenir scale for on-street two-wheelers.

Read our special report - Electric vehicle charging stations in condominiums: the complete guide.

ADVENIR bonus reduced from February 1, 2023

While ADVENIR recently announced the extension of premiums until 2025, new rates have been revised downwards and will apply from February 1, 2023. It will no longer be possible to benefit from the previous rates and amounts.

These changes concern :

  • on-street public charging points 
  • on-street public charging points for 2-wheeled vehicles 
  • charging points open to the public in private parking lots (this bonus will be withdrawn from the ADVENIR program on August 1, 2023),
  • recharging points open to the public in private parking lots for intermediate target groups (hotels, restaurants and shops) (bonus to be withdrawn from the ADVENIR program on August 1, 2023),

Here are the aid rates and amounts applicable from February 1, 2023:

On roads, charging points open to the public or parking lots closed to the public

Charging power Rate of assistance Maximum amount per recharging point
Between 3.7 and 11 kW AC
30 %
1 000 €
Between 12 and 43 kW AC
30 %
1 300 €
Between 20 and 40 kW DC
30 %
2 700 €
Over 40 W DC
30 %
4 500 €
Over 140 kW DC
30 %
9 000 €

In addition to these amounts, a surcharge may be added to finance the installation of on-demand on-street charging stations, but only for power ratings between between 3.7 and 11 kW AC; and 12 and 43 kW AC :

Charging power Maximum amount per recharging point
Between 3.7 and 11 kW AC
1,000 + €300 additional premium = €1,300
Between 12 and 43 kW AC
1,300 + €300 additional premium = €1,600

Charging points open to the general public, for 2-wheeled vehicles (scooters, mopeds, motorcycles and mopeds):

Recharge socket and power Rate of assistance Maximum amount per recharging point
Type 2 less than or equal to 3.7 kW
30 %
1 000 €
Type 2 greater than or equal to 3.7 kW
30 %
75 €

Discover your financial aid with our simulator!

Need to find out about financial assistance for your recharging solution? Use our project simulator to find out how you can reduce the cost of purchasing and installing charging stations.

Mobilians, a helping hand for automotive service professionals

While the ADVENIR program has been renewed and extended until 2025, the program has added a new aid for automotive service professionals. Thanks to the collaboration between Mobilians and ADVENIR, this target group can now benefit from financial support for the installation of charging stations in their parking lots.

Below, you can find the applicable aid amounts for this grant: 

Usage Charging power Rate of assistance Maximum amount excluding VAT
per recharging point
Charging point for fleets and employees
25 %
750 €
Open to all
Between 3.7 and 11 kW AC
50 %
1 700 €
Open to all
Between 12 and 43 kW AC
50 %
2 200 €
Open to all
Between 20 and 40 kW DC
50 %
4 500 €
Open to all
Over 40 kW DC
50 %
7 500 €
Open to all
Over 140 kW DC
50 %
15 000 €

Good to know: from August 1, 2022, the total rate of ADVENIR aid for chargepoints open to the public will be reduced from 60% to 50%. 

Regional support for the purchase of electric vehicle charging stations

Local authorities

In addition to the government's ADVENIR grant, some regions subsidize the installation of charging stations on private land open to the public or on roads.

Local authorities have installed more than 20,000 recharging points, with the aim of establishing a complete network across France, and reducing the barriers to electric carautonomy and long-distance travel.

In France, as of February 28, 2023, there were 90,803 charging points open to the public, according to the barometer carried out by Avere-France and the French Ministry of Energy Transition.

Beev has put together a list of regional and local subsidies for the installation of your electric charging station.

City of Paris

The city of Paris offers a range of grants based on specific criteria. For example, within a condominium, the installation of a recharging point for residents and visitors. 

  • It will be possible to obtain assistance of 50% of the pre-tax amount for pre-equipment linked to the installation of an electric terminal, up to a maximum of €4,000.
  • In addition, a subsidy of 50% of the cost of the work (€500 per charging point, 4 charging points maximum), i.e. a maximum of €2,000, is available for property managers or social landlords wishing to install charging points for residents or visitors.

How do I apply?

The request for assistance must be made by the building's owner or lessor. It is limited to 1 application per year.

You will need to log in to your "My Paris" account to attach the required documents: 

  • Proof that the building in which the work is to be carried out is managed by the property manager or lessor. 
  • Kbis extract
  • A copy of the invoice for the work carried out
  • A photo of the layout
  • A bank account number (RIB) to receive the grant

Once we have received your form within a certain period of time, you will receive the grant from the City of Paris.

The Normandy region

The Normandy region offers individuals, micro-businesses and associations a 30% subsidy (excluding tax) for the purchase and installation of a charging station, up to a maximum of €15,000 per local authority when purchasing a new electric vehicle at the same time.

Please note that the request must be made with a quotation, not a purchase order.

Who can apply?

Assistance from the Normandy region is subject to tax income thresholds. 

Number of people in household Proposed maximum personal income threshold for a €2,500 grant Proposed maximum RFR threshold for a €1,000 grant
1 person
18 960 €
28 440 €
2 persons
27 729 €
41 594 €
3 persons
33 346 €
50 019 €
4 persons
38 958 €
58 437 €
5 people
44 592 €
66 888 €
per additional person
+ 5 617 €
+ 8 426 €

⚠️ Good to know, in the case of cohabitation or common-law union, the household's reference tax income is the sum of the reference tax incomes of each member of the household.

How do I apply?

To be eligible, your main residence must be in Normandy, and you must not have previously benefited from the IDEE Action Mobilité Durable scheme.

At the same time, when you apply for a subsidy for your electric vehicle, you must attach the subsidy application for the charging station from this platform.

To do this you must :

  • Create an account here
  • Fill in the questionnaire and indicate the price and type of electric car model you are considering.
  • Fill in your personal details and place of birth 
  • Enter the amount of assistance requested according to your income 
  • Submit the vehicle documents and your bank details to receive the subsidy.
  • Submit your latest tax assessment

Once your application has been finalized, you will receive a certificate of submission by e-mail, including your file reference.

The Grand Est region

Businesses can benefit from a subsidy of up to 50% of the project cost (excluding VAT), with a limit of €1,000 per charge point.

Indeed, companies can benefit from this regional subsidy as long as they make the charging facilities available to staff during working hours.

Only infrastructures meeting the technical criteria of the national Advenir program are eligible for this grant.

The beneficiary undertakes to mention the Region's financial support in all communication media. It also undertakes to use the regional communication poster specific to this call for projects in conjunction with the worksite sign.

Who can apply?

All companies registered with the RCS. 

In technical terms, there are three different levels of charging power:  

  • La recharge normale (< 7 kVA)
  • Accelerated charging (≤ 22 kVA)
  • Fast charging (> 22 kVA)

Justification of the number of bollards installed and power ratings will be requested.

What projects are eligible?

  • Electric recharging infrastructures acquired directly by the beneficiaries concerned, up to a limit of 1,000 charging points.  
  • Charging infrastructures installed under a concession contract. In this case, the beneficiary of the aid organizes a competitive bidding process for the public service delegation relating to the installation and management of the recharging service for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.  
  • Only facilities accessible to company staff are eligible. (Recharging of the company fleet is accepted if and only if the staff can benefit from the charging facilities during working hours).  




  • Only charging infrastructures that meet the minimum technical requirements of the Advenir national program for employee or corporate fleet charging stations in private parking lots are eligible for funding. 

How do I apply?

Project developers are invited to contact the energy transition officer at the Maison de la Région in their area as early as possible.

To acquire this grant, companies must submit a file containing :

  • A letter of intent, addressed to the President of the Region, which must demonstrate that the aid granted has an incentive effect. If this effect is not demonstrated, the aid cannot be granted. 
  • The fully completed information form which you will find here
  • A note explaining why the project owner wishes to take part in the call for projects, and setting out the means used to achieve the project's objectives.
  • A provisional budget and schedule 
  • K-bis extract and tax returns for the last 3 years. 

Where to send your request

Depending on the project's location, applications should be sent to :

  • Territoires des Maisons Saverne/Haguenau - Strasbourg - Sélestat - Mulhouse :
    • Mr. President of the Conseil Régional
    • Grand Est Region
    • Energy Transition Department
    • 1 Place Adrien Zeller - BP 91006 - 67070 STRASBOURG Cedex
    • Tel: 03 88 15 64 96
  • Territoires des Maisons Thionville/Longwy - Metz - Nancy - Épinal
    • Mr. President of the Conseil Régional
    • Grand Est Region
    • Energy Transition Department
    • Place Gabriel Hocquard - CS 81004 - 57036 METZ Cedex 01
    • Tel: 03 87 33 62 85
  • Territoires des Maisons Charleville-Mézières/Verdun - Châlons-en-Champagne - Troyes/Chaumont - Saint-Dizier/Bar-le-Duc
    • Mr. President of the Conseil Régional
    • Grand Est Region
    • Energy Transition Department
    • 5 rue de Jéricho - CS 70441 - 51037 CHALONS-EN-CHAMPAGNE Cedex
    • Tel: 03 26 70 66 08

In a nutshell

To sum up the different types of support available for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations: 

  • If you live in a single-family home, you are entitled to the energy transition tax credit.
  • If you live in a condominium, you can apply for the tax credit for energy transition, benefit from the ADVENIR bonus and receive assistance from the Mairie de Paris
  • Businesses and public authorities: take advantage of the ADVENIR bonus and local authority grants if you operate in certain cities.

These regional grants can be combined with other national subsidies, such as the ADVENIR bonus.

Electric cars are still relatively new on the market, which explains the lack of subsidies in some regions. However, the various regions are increasingly inclined to develop their electric charging networks. 

For example, in Pays de la Loire, the region is committed to developing a recharging network within its region, with already over 550 public electric charging stations by the end of 2019. With a fast-charging station every 80 km on the region's main roads, you'll find it easy to make your daily journeys in Pays de la Loire.

Picture of Grace Nzuzi
Grace Nzuzi

Through my articles, I help you to better manage your energy transition. And I do this for professionals and private individuals alike.

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The essential guide to corporate charging stations

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