How do I charge my electric car in Paris?

How do you recharge your electric car in Paris? We've investigated for you. One of the main obstacles to switching to an electric car is its range, and the lack of charging stations in France. But what's the reality? How do you recharge outside your home in Paris? And at what price? Electric car recharging in Paris

In 2016, Ségolène Royal, then Minister of the Environment, announced that she wanted to deploy a million charging stations over 3 years to boost the electric car market.

But 3 years on, the results are mixed, and even if the installations are more than sufficient for today's electric vehicle fleet, many consumers want more.

At regional level, several regions have introduced subsidies to help households switch to electric cars. At municipal level, many cities have made commitments to boost the number of electric cars in order to improve air quality and reduce noise pollution. Paris is a case in point.

Owning a car in Paris is often an ordeal: overpriced parking spaces, fines at the first slip-up and increasingly rare petrol stations. As a result, many Parisians are turning to the electric car, but one real obstacle remains: how to charge it? As most Parisians live in apartments, recharging at home is not an option. But how do you choose the right recharging card? We've broken down the two main Parisian offers for you.

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Charging your electric car at Autolib' stations

In Paris, since the closure of the Autolib' terminals, it is possible to charge your electric car, subject to a subscription and a card that must be visible on the windscreen. However, only 1,000 of the network's terminals are accessible to the public (compared with 3,200 Autolib' terminals). These terminals are complementary to the Paris City Council's Belib' network, described below.

How does it work?


How do I charge my electric car at an Autolib' station?

⚠️ Please note that these terminals are for car charging only. Parking is prohibited under penalty of fines.

How much does it cost?

  • If you are an individual or a professional user, this will cost you €120/year .
  • If you are a professional operating your vehicle commercially or a VTC or Taxi, this will cost you €600/year.

What's involved?

I am a private individual living in Paris

If you live in Paris, you can apply online or by post (payment by cheque).

  1. Online procedure
  2. Procedure by post

I am a private individual living in Île-de-France

If you live in the Île-de-France region, you'll need to apply by post.

For those wishing to do so by post, please send the following items:

  • Copy of vehicle registration certificate or copy of provisional vehicle registration certificate
  • Surname, first name and postal address to which the paper card is to be sent
  • Cheque for 120 € made payable to Régie du stationnement

Where should I send my mail?

Parking on Public Highways Section (SSVP)

15, boulevard Carnot

75012 Paris

You will receive your card to display on your windscreen within 10 days.

Electric car charging card Paris

I am a professional living in the Île-de-France region

In this case, you can only apply by post.

How do I know if I'm eligible?

You are only eligible if the vehicle is used for commercial purposes: car-sharing, cab or VTC, etc.

Only 100% electric vehicles (excluding EE category) are eligible.

Where should I send my mail?

Direction de la Voirie et des Déplacements (Roads and Transportation Department)

On-street parking section

Parking Card Unit

Shared vehicle electric recharging card

15 boulevard Carnot 75012 PARIS

Carte de recharge voiture électrique Professionnel Paris

⚠️ Please note that this is a temporary solution, as the Mairie de Paris has launched a call for tenders to renew the Bolloré Group's charging stations.

Charging your electric car at Belib' stations

Belib' is a public network of electric charging stations belonging to the Paris City Council. It allows you to recharge your electric or hybrid car more or less quickly, depending on the power level required by the user.

The plus? These charging stations are universal, with a choice of plugs(type 2, type 3, domestic E/F, Combo 2 cable, CHAdeMo cable). All cars can be charged, including two-wheelers. Each station offers 3 charging points where 3 vehicles can be charged simultaneously.

Belib' charging stations

There are currently 60 stations and 180 recharging stations throughout Paris.

Belib' charging stations Paris map

How does it work?

Belib' subscription procedures

How much does it cost?

It costs around €15 to register, whether you're an individual or a professional.

Two rates apply for Belib' recharge card holders. For a 3KW charge, it's free between 8pm and 8am, any day of the week. For fast recharging, the charge is around €1 per hour.

Belib' electric car charging price with subscription

If you choose the no-subscription option, you'll pay around €4 for the first hour, then €0.266/min after the first hour.

Belib' electric car charging price without subscription

What's involved?

All you have to do is create an account on Belib' and enter your situation (professional or private). Once you've paid your fees, you'll receive your card by post.

I'm going to buy an electric car. What should I choose for charging?

It all depends on your needs and location. In both cases, you'll save on the cost of recharging your electric car.

⚠️ Please note that some kiosks are out of service, and it's best to check in advance to make sure you're not making a trip for nothing.

Bonus: Charging your electric car on... lampposts

New at 👋 If you live in Paris, you can now recharge your electric car at lampposts. Yes, you read that right!

Since June 7, 2019, you've been able to recharge at electric vehicle charging stations integrated into public lighting. They are located on Boulevard des Invalides in Paris. Equipped with a Type 2 plug capable of recharging at 3.7 kW, these charging stations are ideal for recharging your electric car at night.


How much does it cost?

Would you like to install a charging station?
Picture of Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

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