Top 10 questions to ask when leasing an electric vehicle

Warranty, insurance, taxation and even the contract itself are all legal elements to be taken into account when taking out a electric car leasing. In this article, you'll find a list of nine questions to ask yourself before taking the step of long-term leasing (LLD) or lease with purchase option (LOA).

Also read → Top 6 mistakes to avoid when leasing an electric car


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What are the monthly payments?

One of the main questions to ask when considering an electric car leasing contract is how much it will cost each month. This will depend on a number of criteria: 


  • contract duration: it can vary from 1 to 5 years depending on the contract chosen (LOA or LLD),

  • annual mileage: the higher the annual mileage offered by the leasing company, the higher the monthly payments,


  • the security deposit : used to cover certain leasing risks (damage, exceeding mileage, non-payment),


  • maintenance and repair costs: these include overhauls, spare parts, labor and repairs.

How much is the security deposit?

Established by the leasing company, the security deposit represents 10 to 20% of the purchase price of the electric vehicle. electric vehicle. It is paid at the start of the leasing contract. Its recovery depends on a number of conditions, including proper maintenance of the car, compliance with the annual mileage and the absence of major damage.

For example, for an electric car worth €50,000 with a 15% deposit (€7,500), these requirements will allow the deposit to be refunded in full. Otherwise, a partial or complete reduction of the deposit is likely.

What are the maintenance and repair costs?

Maintenance and repair costs include servicing, spare parts, labor and repairs in the event of breakdowns or accidents, and vary according to the age and mileage of the vehicle. 

These costs are lower than for an equivalent combustion-powered car, as it requires less maintenance and repairs. The amount varies from €100 to €200 maximum. 

Thanks to its electrical design, less frequent mechanical interventions (no oil change, fewer moving parts subject to wear), for a Tesla Model 3 leased for 3 years, the cost will be around €600.

How long is the contract?

The duration of a contract fixed by an electric car leasing company varies between 24 and 72 months, on average 36 months. A shorter contract will be more beneficial in terms of monthly payments, but the lessee will benefit less from the leased electric vehicle. A longer contract will be more expensive, but will enable the lessee to amortize the total cost of the lease. 

In France, a Location avec Option d'Achat contract is limited to 72 months, whereas a Location Longue Duréeis not limited, but governed by certain conditions (duration, annual mileage, insurance, maintenance, etc.).

24-month contract 72-month contract
More flexibility
Lower monthly costs
Less long-term commitment
Amortization of initial cost
Rapid return on investment
Possibility of changing electric vehicles
Higher monthly costs
Long-term commitment
Less amortization of initial cost
Vehicle wear and tear
Possibility of high return costs in the event of damage or excess mileage
Risk of high return costs in the event of damage or excess mileage

Which mileage package is right for me?

It is important to select a leasing mileage package that reflects the actual use you will make of your electric vehicle. Choosing a lower mileage limit to reduce costs may result in higher costs if you exceed this limit. These will generally range from 5 to 20 cents per kilometer exceeded. An accurate assessment of the kilometers you plan to drive each year is therefore essential to prevent unforeseen expenses.

What are the cancellation conditions?

The conditions for early termination are set by the leasing company itself. In all cases, they are detrimental to the lessee, as they force him/her to : 

  • pay a termination indemnity (generally representing 8% of unpaid rent),

  • return the vehicle in a very good state of repair and maintenance (no trace of rough wear),

  • respect the authorized annual mileage. 

In certain exceptional cases, such as death, professional transfer (more than 50 km from home) or the loss of a driver's license, the tenant will not be required to pay any compensation.

How long is the manufacturer's warranty?

The manufacturer's warranty is compulsory for all leased electric vehicles. The aim of this coverage is to protect the purchaser against any hidden defects. It also assures the customer that the manufacturer will cover all parts and labor costs in the event of a defect in the vehicle's construction. 

Visit electric vehicle manufacturers such as Renault generally offer a two-year warranty, and even up to three years for Japanese or Korean brands such as Honda or even Kia.

What additional cover is available?

To provide more comprehensive protection for tenants, additional guarantees can also be offered: 

  • All-inclusive insurance: this offer includes insurance, maintenance and assistance, so you can control your budget with an all-inclusive monthly payment,


  • Comprehensive insurance: covers damage to the electrical network during charging, and also includes a battery replacement guarantee in the event of an accident or breakdown, if the battery rental contract does not provide for this.

What are the insurance terms and conditions?

Insurance is an essential part of leasing an electric car, covering damage to the vehicle itself, third parties and the lessee in the event of an accident. There are various types of insurance.

Liability coverage

It covers damage caused to third parties in the event of an accident, including bodily injury, property damage and consequential loss. Third-party liability coverage is compulsory for all electric cars, whether leased or not. 

All-accident coverage

Although not compulsory, comprehensive cover is highly recommended. It covers all damage to the electric vehicle, whether caused by the driver or a third party.  

Glass breakage warranty

Glass breakage cover is optional, but very useful. It covers all costs relating to the repair or replacement of your electric car's glazing (side windows, rear window, windscreen).

Theft and assistance coverage

Theft coverage is also optional, but recommended by many leasing companies. It covers theft of your car, including the radio, spare wheel and accessories. Finally, it helps avoid towing and assistance costs in the event of breakdown or accident. 

How will leasing an electric car be taxed in 2023?

Leasing an electric car is an interesting alternative, as it allows you to change models frequently without having to advance a substantial sum. What's more, leasing an electric car in France is highly tax-efficient.

Government incentives

The environmental bonus is a grant enabling drivers to obtain a discount on the purchase price of their next vehicle. All electric cars are eligible for this incentive. The amount of the ecological bonus in 2023 is €7,000 for a model under €45,000 and €3,000 for an electric vehicle between €45,000 and €60,000.

The conversion premium enables private individuals to obtain assistance for the purchase of an electric car in exchange for their old polluting vehicle. In 2023, the conversion bonus is €5,000 for new electric vehicles and €2,500 for used electric vehicles.

Tax benefits

The annual tax on CO2 emissions and the annual seniority tax are taxes on company vehicles. It is calculated on the basis of the vehicle's engine power and CO2 emissions. Electric vehicles are fully exempt from these two taxes (formerly company vehicle tax).

What's more, electric car leasing payments are deductible from business income. Leasing costs can be deducted from business income before tax is calculated, thereby reducing the tax base. This deduction can help reduce the amount of tax payable.

In short, leasing an electric car benefits from tax advantages such as the ecological bonus, the conversion premium, exemption from TVS as well as the deductibility of lease payments from professional income.

Also read → 2023 tax benefits for electric vehicles


Before taking out an electric vehicle leasing contract, it's important to find out about the various offers available. By taking the time to compare prices, options and conditions, you'll be able to find the contract that best suits your needs. Ready to take the plunge? Contact our experts Beev if you have any questions. We'll get back to you within the hour.

Picture of Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

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