[GUIDE] Charging stations in condominiums

Co-ownership charging station

How do you install electric car charging stations when you live in a condominium?

What are your rights? What assistance is available to reduce installation costs?

Charging your electric car is often a problem. Many motorists even give up on switching to an electric car, pointing to the lack of charging stations.

It's easy to charge up at home when you live in a detached house, but what about apartment blocks? How do you install a charging station in a condominium? We've put together a guide to make the procedure clearer.

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Installing a charging station in a condominium: "the right to a plug".

What is the right to take?

The " droit à la prise " scheme enables anyone living in a condominium to install a recharging solution on their parking space, at their own expense. As a tenant or owner, you have the right to charge your electric vehicle at home.

  • New housing: since January 1, 2012, newly-built condominiums have been required to equip their parking lots with charging stations. Charging stations can be individual or collective. In each building, at least 10% of parking spaces must be equipped with electric charging stations.
  • Collective housing already built: since January 1, 2015, residents of collective housing already built can request the installation of electric charging stations.

What are the conditions for exercising this right?

Published in the Journal Officiel December 24, 2020, Decree No. 2020-1720, therefore authorizes under certain conditions to install its own terminal :

  • for the installation of a conventional charging station
  • for any tenant with a parking space for private use, covered or outside, enclosed or open.
  • whenever it is possible to have an individual metering and billing system for electricity consumption

In other words, if the bill for your charging station does not affect the other residents of your building, and you own a parking lot, your condominium does not have the right to refuse you the installation of your individual charging station. There's no reason to refuse the installation of the charging station, as the consumption and installation will cost the other owners nothing.

What if the union objects to the installation of the terminal?

The law is on the occupant's side, as long as he or she meets the three conditions explained above.

"The owner, or where applicable the condominium association represented by the managing agent, who intends to oppose work allowing the normal recharging of electric or rechargeable hybrid vehicles with a metering system allowing individual billing of consumption must, on pain of foreclosure, refer the matter to the district court for the location of the building within three months of receipt of the request.

If the general meeting refuses, the syndicate must take the matter to the Tribunal d'Instance.

Individual or collective installation?

When installing a charging station in a condominium, you have two options. 

Make it an individual or collective installation

Choosing between individual and collective terminals

If you choose :

  • Individual installation: You will be responsible for both the charging station and thecharging infrastructure. The owner (or tenant) will be independent of the co-ownership and will have to take care of the administrative formalities himself. The owner (or tenant) will be independent of the condominium and will be responsible for all administrative formalities.
  • Collective installation: The responsibility will be entirely in the hands of the syndic, who will have to organize all the steps involved in installing the collective infrastructure. He will have to communicate this approach to the co-owners and distribute the cost of the investment among them. The collective installation can be used by the entire condominium.

Steps to install your charging station

Case 1: You own your home

If you own your home, you must send a letter (registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt) to your property manager.

You can find a sample letter here .

At the same time, it's a good idea to start asking for quotes so you can budget for the work and make your choice.

Once the syndicate has received your letter, they have 3 months to respond to your request. Previously, the co-ownership could oppose your request, but since 2021 it can only propose a better alternative. For example, if you wish to install a collective infrastructure by mutual agreement, this could be useful not only to you, but to the whole co-ownership. 

Case 2: You rent your home

If you rent your home, the application is made in two stages.

  1. Send a letter to your landlord: the letter must be sent with acknowledgement of receipt. The letter should include a detailed description of the proposed work, together with a complete installation diagram. Two copies should also be sent to the syndicate. The owner has one month to contact the syndic. He or she must send a letter requesting that the matter be placed on the agenda for the next general meeting. It does not require a vote by the co-owners.

    It's important to note that a general meeting should not delay the completion of the project. If the next general meeting is scheduled for a date later than the installation date, the work can still be carried out. The managing agent will simply have to report on the work carried out by including it on the agenda for the general meeting.

Good to know: installation costs are at the tenant's expense, unless the owner sees an advantage in doing so (higher resale price, higher rent).


I'm a tenant

You will find below a sample letter to send directly to your building manager.


I'm an owner

You will find below a sample letter to send directly to your building manager.

Case 3: Several co-owners need charging stations

This is a rare occurrence. The owners send a letter to the condominium association asking them to put the issue on the agenda for the general meeting. The syndicate then decides to equip several parking spaces with charging stations. Once approved, the syndicate has six months to start the work.

In this case, the cost of the work will be shared by all co-owners.

Installation: Who to contact?

Beev will help you choose your charging station and draw up a free quotation to suit your needs.

What assistance is available?

All individuals, whether tenants or homeowners, who have installed a charging station at their home can claim a tax credit of 30% of the expenditure incurred if the work took place before December 31, 2018. This aid is capped at €8,000 for a single person and €16,000 for a couple with no children subject to joint taxation. It will be valid until December 31, 2023.

  • Your home must be your principal residence
  • The work must be carried out by a company that supplies and installs the equipment, materials or appliances it invoices.

Good to know: using an RGE (Reconnu garant de l'environnement) professional is compulsory if you wish to benefit from financial aid for certain energy renovation work. But not for the installation of home charging stations. The RGE label highlights a company's expertise or specialization in energy performance.

The amount of the tax will be deducted directly from the amount of tax you pay in the year following the work. This system is rather restrictive, given the "reimbursement" timeframe and the fact that the occupant of the home must advance all costs. For this reason, it was envisaged that from January 1, 2019, the Crédit d'Impôt Transition Énergétique (CITE 2019) would be paid out in the form of a works bonus. However, this deadline has been pushed back to 2020 and the tax credit is being maintained for 2019.

Where to claim the energy transition tax credit?

  • Online declaration :
    • On your tax return, under "Income and expenses", in the "Expenses" category, tick the "Energy transition in the main home" box.
    • For the purchase of an electric car charging station, fill in the "Electric vehicle charging system" box (box 7BF), noting the amount spent.
  • Paper declaration :  
    • For paper returns, you need to download form 2042 RICI, which you will enclose with your return. You can download the 2021 version here, or go to the tax website and search for "form 2042 RICI".
    • On page 2, fill in the box "Electric vehicle charging system" (box 7BF), noting the amount of expenditure.

Financial aid for mobility from the Paris municipal authorities

Paris City Council is offering two grants for the installation of electric charging stations in collective housing.

  • A pre-equipment grant of 50% of the cost of the work (up to a maximum of €4,000) for property managers wishing to install a charging station or renovate a riser for electric or hybrid vehicles in their parking lot.
  • Assistance of 50% of the cost of the work (€500 per charging point, up to a maximum of 4 charging points), i.e. a maximum of €2,000 for property managers or social landlords wishing to install charging points for residents or visitors.

Who can apply? 

The request for assistance must be made by the building's owner or lessor. It is limited to 1 application per year.

What's involved? 

  1. You must log in or create an account on the Paris City Hall website
  2. Go to this link.
  3. Complete the online declaration and attach the required documents.

What documents are required? 

  • Proof that the property manager or social landlord manages the Paris building in which the work is to be carried out.
  • Kbis extract
  • A copy of the invoice for the work carried out
  • A photo of the layout
  • RIB where the amount is to be reimbursed 

Good to know, since October 1, 2018, only online applications will be processed.

The Advenir program

The Advenir program aims to boost the installation of charging stations in France, thanks to the CEE (Certificat d'Economie d'Energie) mechanism. 

Who can apply?

The scheme applies to collective housing: private owners, individuals, social landlords and property managers can all apply. There are, however, very specific specifications to be met in order to benefit from this aid. To find out more, we recommend that you read the Advenir guides.

The request must be made on the Advenir website by the applicant or commissioned professional.

Good to know: this aid does not apply to detached houses.

What documents are required?

  • Select the type of offer you require 
  • Type of beneficiary: individual or collective recharging solution
  • A detailed description of the proposed work or installation 
  • Work estimate

Good to know: to benefit from the Advenir subsidy, you need to work with a professional who has offers "certified" by the program.

Group residence Total aid rate Ceiling Ceiling with energy management bonus
Individual solutions
50 %
600 €
960 €
Collective solution
50 %
1 300 €
1 660 €

Source : Advenir

Bonus: The ADVENIR program now finances 50% of the cost of setting up a collective infrastructure...

In the first 3,000 condominiums... 

This new aid dates from July 04, 2019. The government wanted to boost the installation of charging infrastructures in collective housing. Inscribed in the context of the Mobility Orientation Law (LOM) it aims to accelerate the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructures. The aim is to multiply the current figure by 5 by 2022.



Total aid rate

Ceiling incl. VAT + Ceiling with energy management bonus

Collective residential: collective infrastructure (excluding outdoor roadwork) 


4,000 up to 50 places + €75/additional place for more than 50 places, up to a maximum of €15,000 per condominium.

Multi-family housing: outdoor roadwork


3,000 per condominium

Who can apply?

  • Infrastructure connected downstream of an existing building services delivery point.
  • Infrastructure connected to a new delivery point with a "star distribution" diagram.
  • Infrastructure connected to a new delivery point with an "arterial distribution or BUS cable" scheme.
  • Public collective pipe infrastructure from the public distribution network to the delivery points serving each user's IRVE terminals.

What documents are required?

Payment is made within 45 days of submission of a complete application.

When submitting your application 

  • AGM minutes clearly indicating the date of the AGM 
  • A complete estimate including any other subsidies applied for or already obtained 
  • The network operator's quotation 
  • Collective infrastructure sizing study (parking lot size + power balance)
  • Proof of installer's infrastructure qualifications 
  • Proof of IRVE qualification for installation of charging station(s) 


To receive payment 

  • Compulsory certificates(Consuel or approved inspection body) 
  • Invoice for infrastructure and terminal installation
  • Photos of the installation and the terminal

In a nutshell

For an individual (homeowner or tenant), the total amount of aid available for a quote is €2,000.


Tax credit (30% of the amount)

Mairie de Paris (50% of the cost of the work)

Coming soon

Reste à payer


600 €

500 €

600 €

300 €

France (excluding Paris)

600 €

0 €

600 €

800 €

In conclusion

You have the right to install home charging stations without having to own property. Your "right to a plug" guarantees that you will be able to charge at home, provided you have parking space available. Thanks to the various subsidies available, you can significantly reduce the cost of installing a charging station in your collective dwelling.

And for those who don't have parking at home, there's always the option of recharging your car at public charging points. In Paris, there are numerous charging points belonging to the city council. And soon, Google Maps will be able to show you where the free charging points are near you.

Picture of Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

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