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How can public charging stations boost your business?

public charging stations

Expansion of network of charging stations for electric vehicles in France is becoming a major challenge. By June 1ᵉʳ, 2023, the number of number of charging stations in France exceed 80,000. The company ELECTRA is the leading operator, with 17,756 charging stations installed. This growth is supported by public initiatives such as the government support plan or private initiatives such as investments by carmakers (Tesla with its Superchargers). Their aim is to meet the growing demand from users of electric cars and reflect a collective awareness of the importance of switching to healthier modes of transport.

Find out in this article how installing charging stations can give your company the opportunity to stand out from the crowd, attract a conscious customer base and play an active part in the energy transition. Not only will you be able to reduce your operating costs, you'll also be able to improve your brand image.

Also read → What's the current status of charging stations?

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Public charging stations boost a company's attractiveness

Electric vehicles and market trends: why is the future here?

The market for electric vehicles has grown rapidly in recent years. By 2022, worldwide sales had reached 10.5 million, representing 14.2% of all vehicle sales. of all vehicle sales. This increase illustrates the rapid transition to electric mobility. In France, this trend is marked by a market share that has climbed to 16.8% by 2023, even reaching 20% in the final months of the year. Demand continues to grow, and drivers are now looking for practical, reliable recharging solutions, underlining the importance for businesses of equipping themselves with public recharging infrastructures. Offering charging stations is therefore a necessity to meet these consumers' expectations. Public charging stations enhance a company's attractiveness and represent a commitment to sustainability, improving brand image and attracting customers who are concerned about their environmental impact.

Also read → What role do charging infrastructures play in the growth of an electric car fleet?

How do you engage customers with a charging station?

Integrating electric vehicle charging stations into businesses is a key element in improving customer engagement and user experience. Recent studies indicate that an easily accessible charging facility can increase customer attendance time by up to 50%, compared with establishments without this facility. This inevitably translates into higher spending, with companies observing an average 20% increase in the value of purchases per customer when a charging station is available, as was the case for Swedish giant Ikea, a pioneer in this field.

The availability of charging stations plays a crucial role in consumers' decisions to visit one establishment rather than another. In fact, 72% of electric vehicle owners choose their destinations based on the availability of such infrastructure. This choice reflects a significant opportunity for shopping centers, restaurants, hotels and others to attract a targeted, high-value clientele committed to sustainability and green mobility.

The installation of charging stations is therefore an effective marketing strategy, enabling : 

  • reinforce a company's eco-responsible brand image,
  • enhance its reputation and appeal to an increasingly environmentally conscious public.

In addition, it may be worthwhile for a company to consider strategies such as setting up a loyalty program linked to kiosk use, offering discounts or exclusive benefits for regular customers, for example.

Also read → Free recharging points, how to find them?

Reduce operating costs with an electric vehicle charging station

The green economy: cutting operating costs

Embracing the green economy is doubly advantageous for companies: not only does it reduce their environmental impact, it also cuts their operating costs. The installation of charging stations for electric vehicles, particularly when combined with renewable energy solutions such as solar panels, is a strategic investment towards this goal.

Using solar energy to power charging stations can reduce a company's energy costs by up to 40%. This saving is made possible by the ability of solar installations to produce a quantity of energy that can then be fed back into the grid, generating additional credits or income for the company. In France, legislation favors this approach through feed-in tariffs for green electricity produced and not consumed on site via the renewable energy support scheme.


Also read → Should you install solar panels for your charging stations?

What's more, investment in eco-responsible charging infrastructure can make companies eligible for tax incentives and government subsidies, reducing initial installation costs. These financial incentives, designed to encourage sustainable practices, improve the return on investment of charging stations. They can include : 

  • corporate income tax credits or tax credits for the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging stations,
  • direct subsidies to cover part of the cost of installing charging stations,
  • loans offered at below-market interest rates,
  • tax exemptions or reductions on environmentally-friendly equipment, 

Also read → Aid for the installation of charging stations in 2024

Over and above the savings, the installation of charging stations positions a company as a committed player in the energy transition. This positive perception can translate into more customers, greater loyalty and higher sales.

Integrating charging stations into a company's strategy is not only a gesture in favor of the environment, it's also a decision that helps reduce costs while aligning with the values of sustainability and innovation valued by today's consumers. Investing in these green technologies is therefore an asset for any company wishing to position itself in the green economy.

Turning charging stations into a source of profit

Installing charging stations is not only an opportunity to attract more customers, but also a source of revenue. With an estimated need for 3 million public charging points charging points in Europe by 2025the demand for accessible and efficient recharging solutions has never been higher.

Companies can capitalize on this trend by adopting various pricing models for charging station use: 


  • direct billing with tariffs based on demand, electricity costs or peak periods,
  • inclusion of the cost of recharging in existing services (hotel accommodation packages or shopping mall subscriptions),
  • free top-ups for customers making purchases of a certain amount, which can increase the average customer basket


Also read → The installation of charging stations in companies

It is also possible for companies to benefit from partnerships with energy suppliers or charging network operators, sharing the revenues generated by the use of charging stations. This collaboration can reduce installation and maintenance costs while ensuring a passive and sustainable source of income.

Charging stations should not only be seen as a cost, but also as an investment opportunity to generate revenue. By adopting a flexible and innovative approach to the management of these infrastructures, companies can not only cover their costs, but also contribute to their profitability. The key lies in selecting a pricing model that is adapted to the company's objectives and the needs of its customers.

Enhancing your brand image through sustainable development

Amplifying the Ecological Impact on Corporate Reputation: Charging Stations as a Lever

At a time when consumers' environmental awareness has never been higher, companies' commitment to ecological initiatives translates directly into enhanced brand image. A recent Nielsen study revealed that 73% of consumers would be willing to change their consumption habits to reduce their environmental impact. What's more, 66% of consumers, and up to 75% among millennials, express a strong preference for brands committed to sustainable development.

The installation of charging stations for electric vehicles represents a concrete and visible response to this growing demand for more environmentally-friendly practices. By offering this service, a company not only demonstrates its ability to adapt to technological developments, but also its deep commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. 

This positioning is much more than the provision of infrastructure: it's a statement of brand identity, underlining a commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility. Companies that take steps to reduce their carbon footprint, such as by integrating charging stations, enjoy a better reputation with consumers, investors and partners. 

Public charging station: the choice of innovation

The installation of public charging stations by companies is seen as an embrace of innovation. With annual growth in electric car sales exceeding 40% in some markets, forecasts indicate that electric cars will account for 31% of all new vehicle sales by 2030the importance of adopting this technology cannot be underestimated.

By adopting charging stations, companies are signalling their ability to anticipate and respond to the needs of a changing society. This initiative not only appeals to an environmentally conscious clientele, but also resonates with a young, technophile generation that values the innovation and social responsibility of the brands it supports. Avere-France tells us that 67% of 18-24 year-olds are more likely to patronize companies that invest in sustainable infrastructures such as electric car charging stations.

The choice to install a public charging station reflects a dynamic, forward-looking strategy aligned with global trends in technological innovation and sustainability. This approach offers companies an opportunity to attract not only environmentally conscious customers, but also talent looking to associate themselves with forward-thinking brands.


Investing in a public charging station is therefore a winning strategy for businesses. It's an effective way of standing out from the competition, boosting customer dwell times, reducing operating costs, generating additional revenue and reinforcing their brand image. It's also an investment in the future, preparing the business for a time when electric vehicles will become the norm. With a public charging station, your company confirms its commitment to sustainability and innovation, while positioning itself as a key player in the energy transition. It's time to take action and prepare your company for the future: the future is electric, and with a public charging station, your company will be ready to face it. Ready to take the plunge? Contact our experts Beev if you have any questions. We'll get back to you within the hour.

Picture of Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

If you believe in the electrification of vehicles, you're already halfway towards your ecological transition. That's why I'm offering you some content on the electric vehicle environment.

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